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Futures Lab

Did you know that ITK City of Aarhus has a small team called ‘Futures Lab’ that works within EU-funding, management of projects and innovation with the digital technologies of tomorrow?

Photo of the Futures Lab team: Søren, Rina, Mathilde, Johanne and Iben

Søren, Rina, Mathilde, Johanne and Iben

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    TECH FOCUSED EU PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FUNDING: Did you know that ITK City of Aarhus has a small team called ‘Futures Lab’ that works within EU-funding, management of projects and innovation with the digital technologies of tomorrow? 


    As a team, Futures Lab works to ensure that ITK City of Aarhus and the Municipality of Aarhus participate in leading international collaborative Smart City initiatives with a great focus on 'future' solutions within IoT, data, AI, and robots. 


    Our main tasks are management and coordination of projects and ongoing funding and establishment of projects in the coming years. 


    How do we measure the value and impact of our funding and projects? Among other things, this is done through actively involving users as well as open, transparent and 'interoperable' digital solutions for the benefit of European cities.  


    Active Cities is an Interreg NSR-project, which intends to increase active mobility, such as walking or cycling, while supporting sustainable C02-neutrality.

    This is to be done by way of more human-centric urban planning, behavioural changes and creating green accessibility for hubs like train stations and schools.

    The ARLI project concerns the development of an innovative autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that can supply municipalities with a frequently updated digital twin of the city. 


    The digital twin will serve as a tool for detection and planning of several service- and maintenance related task, such as detection of trash in streets and parks, detection of when vegetation needs cutting, detection of damage in roads and detection of illegally parked cars, scooters or bicycles

    BIPED (Building Intelligent Positive Energy Districts) is a 3-year project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, within the scope of sustainable energy and low/zero communities, energy efficiency and artificial intelligence.

    Questions the projects addresses is 1) How can digital twins be extended to refine a districts profile representation, 2) How can the use of soft data support digital twin development and 3) How to boost the potentials of (BI)PED? 

    DivAirCity is a 4 year project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme, within the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals, valuing diversity and social inclusion to achieve innovative, creative, culture- driven, green and carbon neutral urban society. DivAirCity addresses the equation of social inequality, health conditions and air pollution in cities.

    Innotech TaskForce is an interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerak financed project, lasting from 2023 to 2025, which will attempt to understand and apply data and digital technologies as innovation boosters for green transistion in municipalities and regions.

    Want to get involved in Citizen Science in Smart Cities and Communities? Read this!

    Citizen science in smart cities and communities
    Sidst opdateret: 25. april 2024